Tuesday, March 20, 2012


the miracle of that first egg!
 I still seem to be on catch up mode, and much of what I write is old news by now. I am really struggling to find a window for the trimmings at the moment. Ethan, bless him has seemed to have traded in his nap and that window of peace, productivity, quiet, and sometimes creativity has dissappeared. And though I still insist on a quiet time there is suddenly nothing left over. And he is SO deliciously full of chat, constant chat, so busy, that by days end I have so little left. This too will pass...bless where I am.....I did escape (alone!!) recently though to my bother and Stacey's divine wedding, just magical, just heaven and though I staggered home exhuasted from lack of sleep (go party girl!) I felt so restored and have been so much more myself again, so much more buoyant and peaceful. I will/ must post a small collection of photos soon,  oh such a crafters creation it was, such a community celebration. Loved! See littleknightlights@blogspot.com for more. And I must post some of the wedding tree I painted too which restored my love of painting, and taught me that if it is a must I will get it done, here and there in stolen moments and late nights I can carve out time for the things I love. Not that I don't love being a full-time mother and home maker, you know what I mean don't you, the need for something to call ones own...a creative space if you will..
And, and, and...
Anyway, chickens!
 As some of you may know one of my lifelong ambitions has been to have backyard chickens. There is something about them isn't there, that contented pottering way about them perhaps, or maybe there simple rustic beauty. I just feel happy watching them.  And there is nothing like the miracle of that first egg! I know chickens all over the world lay an egg a day, but when it is your own?! Such excitement! We were all so thrilled!
Here is a little photographic journal of their arrival...

Austin collected Alexander early from school one afternoon and they went and rescued two red 6-month pullets and brought then home in a box, here they are eagerly anicipated

releasing them into their new home

Alexander quickly claimed one as his own and named her Saphira, Evabella called hers Penny. Ethan keeps asking when his own  "speckled one" is arriving

We did experiment with allowing them to completely free range but they persisted to come up on the deck, even coming inside to peck crumbs from under the table despite various methods of chasing squirting them etc., not to mention there little deposits. One day I stood in some in my SLIPPERS that was the straw that broke.....Anyway Austin built them a tractor ala Janet Luke and we move them around in a contained fashion.. good for all!

As an aside, I do a swap morning with my friend Florence of sunshineofmyloves@blsogspot.com looking after  little Lucie-Belle one morning, she taking Ethan another and I don't know who she loves more, me or the chickens! She always says Hannah "cock-a-doodle doo" or Hannah chickens as if we are one and the same package. Lovely!
 I love our little taste of country in the city, that gumboots to glamour mix. That should be a tag line, don't you think? Gumboots to glamour....