together |
So many moments have slipped by. Tea cup in hand I have finally stolen some time to record some of them. As the buzz of Christmas descends things get even busier from here I needs/must commit to a more regular visit here. Ethan turned three in the distant past and has started at kindergarten, and Alexander turned eight.
I have attempted to honour my commitment to time for me but still struggle with the press of things to do, the daily round, and others needs for my time and energy .Having said that, I have taken up my paint brushes and pen... I have painted a tree which I will attach leaves to soon with the dream of setting up a little business in wall art... and I have written some sketches, some of which went to print. On my friends nudging, I have assisted with some of the latest Redcurrent product shots; some styling, some modeling (of tea cups!) becoming the new "face of Redcurrent" (not!) I can hear my husband humorously declare "Oh Pleeease"! Not my highest calling but .. some frivioulity some fun (remember that?!) A sideline pleasure, has been a glimpse into how the other half live, and the timeless elegance, and un-contrived beauty of the homes where the photo shoots have taken place.Oh imagine to live in such a place, not just pretend! I even got to luxuriate in one of the baths surrounded by scented candles and the opalescent sparkle of tiles (covered in copious amounts of bubbles I must add)! Not a bad day at the office!To see (not the bath shot please, visit
I feel, with the little space that has opened, the passing of our youngest from babyhood, a pressure I am wrestling with, to have all the answers as to what is next for me... what is my task, my purpose beyond support role? I am trying to breathe into it, to trust all the answers will come with time, and it is still too early yet, I only have little windows, and I am still so needed here, grounded in my role as a mother and homemaker.. and to relish that, not to be on a rush to get to the other side of it, because I DO deeply know these are the best years, and this IS the most important job. I remind myself that "the ultimate goal is to be happy at home" and all the glitter of the world can not hold a candle to love. Love is really all that matters in the end isn't it? That and writing a book, and being a celebrated artist...!
Anyway, verbose as always, here are some moments at ours.
Xand turned eight! He currently has a love of all things Owl... |
Bell has developed a passion for embroidery and created this for brother's birthday. |
Birtthday party friends. Poor Xand was sick with an ear infection on the day of his birthday and beyond so his day was small and simple |
birthday table |
birthday baking for Ethan's day |
Ethan's turns 3 and his love of trains knows no bounds! |
Bacon and egg pie for birthday lunch, thank you Florence! |
riding the trains at Keiranga |